Share Price

Information on our Shares and Bonds

Stock Information

Stock information of Cencosud S.A. and Cencosud Shopping S.A.

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Shareholder structure

The Company divides its equity into 2,834,501,421 single-series shares and is 55.595% controlled by the Paulmann family.

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Equity Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage associated with Variable Income.

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Current Debt

As of June 30, 2023, 64.7% of the total financial debt was in US dollars. Out of this dollar-denominated debt, 93.1% was covered by Cross Currency Swaps or other exchange rate hedges, such as net investment hedge and cash in US$.

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Bonds & Prospects

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Fixed Income Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage associated with Fixed Income

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Financial Results by Country / Business Unit

Our goal is to grow and make each business unit profitable in the countries where we operate.

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Monday, July 1 2024

Publication of 2Q24 Results, Cencosud S.A.

The Company will publish its financial results as of august 1st, 2024

Monday, July 1 2024

Quiet Period 2Q24

It is announced that starting from July 11, Cencosud S.A. enters a Quiet Period prior to the release of its Q2 2024 financial results.

Tuesday, January 23 2024

Cencosud will attend Bradesco Retail & E-commerce Days

31st of January, in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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