Jumbo Chile reaches 59 locations and strengthens its presence in the country


  • In addition to the new store located in the El Trébol Mall, supermarkets were inaugurated this year in Quillota, Maitencillo, and Pie Andino, in Santiago.
  • This expansion initiative by Supermercados Cencosud Chile adds a total of more than 10,000 m2, where sustainable operations in its processes stand out along with the excellence of quality and variety of products.


Santiago, January 2023.- Jumbo opened four new locations in Chile in 2022. To the openings in the regions of Valparaíso and Santiago, the fifth location in the Biobío Region was added in December, thus counting 59 stores from Arica to Puerto Montt.

The new establishment located in the El Trébol Mall has all the outstanding attributes of Supermercados Cencosud, such as a varied assortment of national and imported products, healthy options through the Bio Natura World, and private label products such as Cuisine & Co, which has achieved a solid and strong positioning among customers.

"We ended this year with a new Jumbo in Talcahuano, allowing us to reach 255 stores nationwide if we add the Santa Isabel locations, advancing in our purpose of delivering a high standard of service and quality to our customers. We started this journey almost 60 years ago with the creation of Cencosud and with the opening of the first Jumbo in Chile in 1976."

said Cristián Siegmund, General Manager of the Supermarkets Division of Cencosud Chile.

These openings are part of the growth plan outlined by Cencosud, adding a total of more than 10,000 m2 in its four locations and 665 new employees.

Sustainable and responsible spaces with the environment

For Cencosud, caring for the environment and supporting communities are fundamental pillars of its operation and growth. For this reason, the new spaces in Quillota, Maitencillo, Lo Barnechea, and now Talcahuano have sustainable initiatives such as 100% LED lighting in all their stores, in addition to the latest generation CO2 refrigeration system, allowing more efficient and responsible processes.

To this is added the work with micro and small enterprises (SMEs) through the "Our Producers" program, a proposal that for 20 years has sought to empower these types of national entrepreneurs through support in the promotion and sale of their products in Jumbo and Santa Isabel. This Program has allowed giving visibility to more than 120 suppliers throughout the country, who offer a portfolio of more than 700 products from 12 regions of Chile.

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